However, the new systems that CCP has implemented also show promise of enabling better fine-tweaking of the economy, provided they know which way to turn the knobs. While I agree that the EVE economy 2016-early 2019 was excessive, CCP’s heavy handed approach to rebalance the economy leaves much to be desired and many players unhappy that their preferred activity was upended with no notice, or that they couldn’t afford to fly the same ships they could before. My primary goal on the CSM would be to provide feedback and data analysis that would help CCP on the right path out of the period of scarcity.
The economy stupid game how to#
My two cents on how to implement mineral redistribution I started posting my public analyses, and having people say that they were helpful/interesting kept me at it.Įxamining the Consumer Price Index Metric on the MER This drove me down a rabbit hole of spreadsheets and large volume data processing that kick started my second major interest in EVE, which is macroeconomics and looking at how the different systems in EVE interact with each other. I quickly grew bored with nullsec PvE after finding that nothing had really changed, and decided to focus on industry for personal income. I returned to eve after finishing school and with a few years of data-analytics work experience. The more relevant part of my eve career started during the blackout period of 2019. In 2016 I took a multi year break due to my poor financial situation at the time. I was able to participate in a number of the big events and wars in that time period, such as Asakai, the Fountain war, the Halloween war and the battle of B-R, mostly as a line pilot. After a few months, I left E-uni for Goonswarm Federation, where I have stayed since. I started playing EVE in 2012, starting in highsec with E-uni.